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2016 Annual Convention Recap

February 19, 2016 – The NH Liberty Party, formed in September 2012, held its third annual convention during the New Hampshire Liberty Forum in Manchester, NH.

Party members voted to adopt a pair of bylaws amendments; the first of which modified the time period in which membership could be renewed. The second bylaws modification changed the requirement that the convention coincide with the NH Liberty Forum, and provides that “The NHLP Annual Convention shall take place during the first quarter of each year at a time and place chosen by the State Committee which shall provide at least 30 days notice to all members.” (more…)

2015 Annual Convention recap

March 6, 2015 – The NH Liberty Party, formed in September 2012, held its third annual convention during the New Hampshire Liberty Forum in Manchester, NH. The 2015 Annual Convention was well attended, with a total of 15 attendees, 8 of whom were party members.

Party members voted to officially make a single change to the party bylaws, which allows the co-chairs of the party to make grammatical changes to the bylaws without need for adoption of amendment. The intent of the bylaw modification was to correct a single spelling error within the bylaws. The bylaws change was adopted unanimously.

Party members also elected a new State Committee. Four candidates were nominated for the three co-chair seats. Co-founders Ian Freeman and Darryl W. Perry were re-elected with 8 votes, Conan Salada was elected to a seat he once held with 7 votes, and Howard Wilson received 2 votes. The new State Committee would like to thank Jason Denonville for his year of service on the State Committee.

NHLP State Convention

On February 23, 2013, the NHLP held its 2013 Annual Convention. The three co-chairs, Ian Freeman, Darryl W. Perry and Conan Salada, were all re-elected. The party officially joined the Ballot Access Fairness Coalition, a new group formed in NH for the purposes of lobbying for ballot access reform in the State of New Hampshire.

The three co-chairs are running for Keene School Board and were officially nominated by the party in their non-partisan election.

NH Liberty Party Candidates Speak at School Board Meeting

NH Liberty Party co-chairs Ian Freeman, Darryl Perry, and Conan Salada all spoke in favor of cutting the bloated school budget at a recent board meeting. All three are running for the School Board in Keene. Here are the videos from their appearances and proposals, all of which were shot down:

Conan proposes a 10% budget cut:

Ian proposes a 100% budget cut and turning over schools to be owned and operated by teachers:

Darryl has some good questions:

NH Liberty Party Convention

In accordance with Article 5 of the bylaws of the NH Liberty Party, the NHLP Annual Convention shall take place during the Free State Project’s Liberty Forum in the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nashua.
This year, the convention will be held on Saturday Feb 23 from 5-7 pm.
During the 2013 annual convention, February 23, NH Liberty members will meet to elect a new State Committee which consists of 3 Co-Chairs. Additionally, NHLP members may wish to amend the bylaws. Unlike other Party conventions, Robert’s Rules will no be mentioned and the platform will not be modified!

The NHLP convention is open to the public, however only NHLP members may participate in the convention. Members of the media are encouraged to attend.
Attendance to the the Liberty Forum is not required to attend the NHLP Annual Convention. The NHLP convention will take place in the Board Room of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nashua.

NHLP Updates Presidential Candidate

On October 19, 2012 the NHLP filed a NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTION OF PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE with the Secretary of State. The notice states:

The NH Liberty Party previously filed a Declaration of Write-in Candidacy for a Slate of Presidential Electors which listed Dale “NOTA” Everett as the Presidential candidate. The NH Liberty Party instead wishes to have Bob “NOTA” Robertson be the Presidential candidate. Further, pursuant to State and Federal Law, the NHLP requests the Secretary of State to tabulate all write-in votes for Mr. Robertson, Ms. McCulligh, NOTA and/or Liberty as being votes for this slate of electors.

The notice also includes the State and Federal law that require the tabulation of write-in votes.