by Ian | Oct 4, 2015 | Announcement, Candidates |

Conan Salada for Keene City Council At-Large 2015
With sixteen candidates in the at-large race on Tuesday’s primary ballot in Keene, voters have a wide range of choices that they’ll whittle down to ten, then five winners at the general election in November. Two of those choices are NH Liberty Party candidates, Conan Salada and me, Ian Freeman. Of the two of us, Conan is running a more active campaign and has placed yard signs at various strategic points in the city.
Here are our responses to the Keene Sentinel’s candidate questionnaire: Conan’s answers, Ian’s answers
Liberty lovers in Keene should consider bullet voting for Conan and I to help us move through the primary (or if you really want to bullet vote, choose just Conan). A “bullet vote” adds votes only to the most principled candidates, which assists in our vote totals in a multi-seat race like this.
If you live in Keene, please come vote on Tuesday, October 6th from 8am to 7pm. Voting locations and more details are here.
by Ian | Oct 3, 2015 | Announcement, Candidates, Media Appearances |
NH Liberty Party board member Conan Salada is running for Keene city council at-large. Here are his responses to the Keene Sentinel’s 2015 candidate questionnaire:
Name: Conan Salada
Age: 36
Address: 132 Kennedy Dr Ward 4
Family: Yes
Education: 4 years college
Occupation: Self employed
Organizations to which you belong/have belonged: Keene Liberty Alliance
Previous elected office: None
How long have you lived in Keene? 4 years
Why are you running for City Council?
My entire life I’ve watched every level of government (local, State, and Federal) run this great country and its people into the ground all while claiming to have made our lives better. Have they really? Currently NH’s state debt stands at $12.3 billion while the US owes a whopping $18.4 trillion. Programs that many my age have paid into and expect to collect once they retire will be completely insolvent and unavailable to them. The money Will run out one day, but it seems our current elected officials are either oblivious to this fact, or simply unwilling to stand up and face the growing problem in any way other than just throwing more money at it. Well, I will not to sit back idly and watch while these men and woman who supposedly “Represent me” flush my inheritance down the drain. If elected city councilor I will make those hard decisions that they are unwilling to make by working tirelessly to curb the rampant spending and money redistribution within the city.
What role do Keene City Councilors have in addressing the heroin/opioid crisis gripping our community? Please be specific. (more…)
by Ian | Oct 3, 2015 | Candidates, Media Appearances |
I am running for Keene city council at-large and had the opportunity to fill out the questionnaire from the Keene Sentinel. Here are my responses for this year, 2015:
Name: Ian Freeman
Age: 35
Address: 73 Leverett St. (Ward 4)
Family: Yes
Education: AA in Radio/TV Broadcasting
Occupation: Radio Minister
Organizations: Cheshire TV Board of Directors, Board of Directors,
Previous Elected Office: None
Lived in Keene: 9 Years
1. Why are you running for city council?
I am running for council to advance the idea that you should be free to live your life however you want, so long as you don’t use aggressive force or fraud against others. That’s the basic premise of voluntarism – the idea that all human interactions should be consensual. My candidacy is a platform for spreading that idea. It’s time government started acting like the rest of us and honoring our neighbors’ choices and rights, rather than crushing freedom and productivity. I’d also like Keene voters who care about liberty to know about the Keene Liberty Alliance, a nonpartisan group formed to advance the ideas of freedom politically in the Elm City. We have a facebook group and email announcement list you can join. Please visit online to learn more.
2. What role do Keene City Councilors have in addressing the heroin/opioid crisis gripping our community? Please be specific. (more…)
by Darryl W. Perry | Mar 6, 2015 | Uncategorized |
March 6, 2015 – The NH Liberty Party, formed in September 2012, held its third annual convention during the New Hampshire Liberty Forum in Manchester, NH. The 2015 Annual Convention was well attended, with a total of 15 attendees, 8 of whom were party members.
Party members voted to officially make a single change to the party bylaws, which allows the co-chairs of the party to make grammatical changes to the bylaws without need for adoption of amendment. The intent of the bylaw modification was to correct a single spelling error within the bylaws. The bylaws change was adopted unanimously.
Party members also elected a new State Committee. Four candidates were nominated for the three co-chair seats. Co-founders Ian Freeman and Darryl W. Perry were re-elected with 8 votes, Conan Salada was elected to a seat he once held with 7 votes, and Howard Wilson received 2 votes. The new State Committee would like to thank Jason Denonville for his year of service on the State Committee.
by Darryl W. Perry | Jan 13, 2015 | Announcement |
2015 Annual Convention
In accordance with Article 5 of the bylaws of the NH Liberty Party, the NHLP Annual Convention shall take place during the Free State Project’s Liberty Forum in the Radisson Hotel in Manchester. This year, the convention will be held on Friday March 6 from 11a-noon. During the 2015 annual convention, NH Liberty members will meet to elect a new State Committee which consists of 3 Co-Chairs. Additionally, NHLP members may wish to amend the bylaws. Unlike other Party conventions, Robert’s Rules will not be mentioned and the platform will not be modified! (more…)
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