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NH Liberty Party convention roundup

February 24, 2014 – The NH Liberty Party, formed in September 2012, held its second annual convention during the New Hampshire Liberty Forum in Nashua, NH. Party members voted to make 3 bylaws changes, which included allowing the State Committee to nominate candidates outside of the convention; extending the period of time in which party members can renew their membership; and reducing the percentage of members needed for a quorum during the annual convention. All bylaws changes were adopted unanimously. (more…)

Ian Freeman’s Responses to Keene Sentinel Questionnaire for School Board Candidates

I’m running for Keene school board again as a member of the NH Liberty Party and have been given the usual questionnaire by the Keene Sentinel.

Please see the answers on my candidate’s page here at

Please vote Freeman for school board on March 11th. Here’s information about where to vote:

Wards 1, 2 & 3 vote at the Keene Recreation Center, 312 Washington Street
Wards 4 & 5 vote at the First Baptist Church, 105 Maple Avenue

2014 NHLP Annual Convention

The 2014 NH Liberty Party Annual Convention is coming up, and will once again be held in the Boardroom of the Crowne Plaza Hotel on the Saturday of the New Hampshire Liberty Forum from 4:45-6:15pm.

Per the NHLP Bylaws:
Article 5: Annual Convention of Members
1. Time: The NHLP Annual Convention shall take place during the Free State Project’s Liberty Forum.
2. Attendance: Attendance to the Liberty Forum is not required to attend the NHLP Annual Convention.

During the convention, party members may propose amendments to the bylaws, nominate candidates, propose resolutions, and will elect 3 Co-Chairs.

The NHLP convention is open to the public, however only NHLP members may participate in the convention. Members of the media are encouraged to attend.

Video of the Secession Panel @ Keenevention 2013

With the recent formation of the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence, the openly secessionist NH Liberty Party, and the regional Spirit of Arcadia, discussing secession is a conversation that is going to be had more frequently across the Shire in coming years. How can we advance that conversation and the idea of NH declaring independence? Darryl W. Perry, one of the founders of the NH Liberty Party, hosted this panel of secession advocates at Keenevention 2013. Panelists included Conan Salada of the NH Liberty Party, Able Freeman of Shire Micronation, and Chandler Gabel of the Foundation for NH Independence:


Announcing the Keene Liberty Alliance

The NH Liberty Party announces the creation of the Keene Liberty Alliance!   The Keene Liberty Alliance is intended to facilitate political action in Keene among liberty-oriented individuals. Such action includes fielding candidates, speaking at city meetings, petitioning, and other inside-the-system activism.

The group includes a facebook group for local activists.  It also features an announcement-only email list and will actively add emails from interested community members.