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Ian’s Speech At the First NH Gubernatorial Debate (Hassan Chickens Out)

Tuesday evening, I had the pleasure of being able to speak for up to ten minutes in front of the first New Hampshire gubernatorial debate. There will be no democrat debate, since both of the other democrat candidates refused to respond to the invitation from Franklin Pierce University. I’m grateful to the organizers at FPU for the opportunity to speak despite the other candidates’ absence.

It’s kind of surreal to watch a voluntarist (me) speak truth to power about the criminal state while standing in front of that very state’s flag (gang insignia), yet, it actually happened:

(And only possible in New Hampshire.)

Here’s the speech in written form: (more…)

Video of the Secession Panel @ Keenevention 2013

With the recent formation of the Foundation for New Hampshire Independence, the openly secessionist NH Liberty Party, and the regional Spirit of Arcadia, discussing secession is a conversation that is going to be had more frequently across the Shire in coming years. How can we advance that conversation and the idea of NH declaring independence? Darryl W. Perry, one of the founders of the NH Liberty Party, hosted this panel of secession advocates at Keenevention 2013. Panelists included Conan Salada of the NH Liberty Party, Able Freeman of Shire Micronation, and Chandler Gabel of the Foundation for NH Independence:


NH Liberty Party Candidates Enter Keene Municipal Election

New Hampshire Liberty Party co-chairs Darryl W. Perry, Ian Freeman, and Conan Salada are all running for office in the Keene 2013 municipal election! You can see their individual campaign pages for media appearances and more on their campaigns:

NH Liberty Party Commercials Now Airing on LRN.FM

Listeners to LRN.FM, the Liberty Radio Network will now be hearing advertisements for the NH Liberty Party. Longtime liberty activists will recognize the classic commercial as the Libertarian Party’s old “Battered Voter” ad from the Harry Browne campaign. Big thanks to Doug Scribner, one of the producers of the commercial, who sent it to me with the intention it be repurposed.

Of course, those longtime liberty activists know that the LP is a shadow of its former self – they have lost their principle. That is one of the reasons we formed the NH Liberty Party – to once again have a principled voice for liberty and also now secession, in the political realm.

Keene Candidates Forum Features All Three NH Liberty Party Candidates

The local Keene PTA hosted a “Candidates Meet and Greet” on March 4th at Jonathan Daniels elementary school is embedded below. All eight school board hopefuls showed up to argue their case to an audience of about 50. Eleven of those were pro-liberty activists. Despite climbing tuition costs and a declining student population, many of the would-be board members promised they would bring more of the same if elected. Three of those candidates, Ian Freeman, Conan Salada, and Darryl Perry, brought an altogether different message to the table.