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Three NH Liberty Party Candidates File for Keene School Board 2013

The entire executive committee of the New Hampshire Liberty Party, Ian Freeman, Darryl Perry, and Conan Salada have all filed for the three available school board seats in Keene. They will face six opponents in the March 12th election.

Campaign pages for: Ian Freeman, Darryl W. Perry and Conan Salada (coming soon). Watch this blog for updates, or follow on Facebook.

NHLP Candidate for State Rep in Keene Advocates Secession in Local Media

I am running for state rep in District 16, which encompasses all of Keene. As a result, I get free radio and print media on WKBK and the Keene Sentinel. Here is my interview on WKBK’s “Talkback” from this past weekend, and also my questionnaire answers that will appear in an upcoming Sentinel.

In both media I am able to discuss secession as well as other liberty-oriented ideas. Still to come, the candidates forum that will feature me debating incumbent Chuck Weed. Delmar Burridge, a former cop who advocates snitching on your friends and supports the BEARCAT, will not be attending, last I heard.

NH Liberty Party Announces Candidates for 2012

Despite having been officially formed only one month ago, the NH Liberty Party has announced two candidates that will be appearing on ballots in Keene and Cheshire County. Candidates for the NH Liberty Party are principled in their advocacy for liberty and must prove it by signing the membership form, which lays out the party’s unchangeable platform.

These are not write-in candidates. Both will be on the ballot and could win with your vote. Please visit their individual campaign pages, linked below, to learn more about them:

State Representative:
Ian Freeman
Keene – Cheshire District 16 (Floterial)

Cheshire County office:
Darryl W. Perry
Register of Deeds