Steve Vaillancourt is a liberty-leaning state representative who is a relatively widely-read blogger at NH Insider. He’s a studied opponent of the insane War on Drugs and has frequently testified in favor of ending drug prohibition, at least on cannabis.
As of Thursday morning, nationally syndicated talk show host Ian Freeman has thrown his hat into the ring for governor of NH in a primary challenge to incumbent Maggie Hassan. In addition to being a registered democrat, Freeman is a co-chair of the New Hampshire Liberty Party. Freeman openly challenges Hassan on her inhumane continuation of the insane “War on Drugs”, especially the war on cannabis users. On Freeman’s campaign info page, he states,
If Maggie were a true democrat, she’d care about the little guy, but yet her state police continue to put the little guy behind bars for victimless crimes like cannabis possession. As governor, I’ll pardon all victimless criminals as one of my first acts.
Freeman also supports NH seceding from the United States as well as equal ballot access for all candidates. Regarding Freeman’s positions on other issues, please see the NH Liberty Party platform. Or, contact the candidate directly with any questions or media requests at 603-513-2449 or ian at
The NH Liberty Party announces the creation of the Keene Liberty Alliance! The Keene Liberty Alliance is intended to facilitate political action in Keene among liberty-oriented individuals. Such action includes fielding candidates, speaking at city meetings, petitioning, and other inside-the-system activism.
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